B2B Writing Service: Boost Your Sales With A Business Case Study Copywriter

Business case study writing service - tips from a B2B copywriter 

A well-written B2B business case study can do wonders for your sales! It is a powerful, yet subtle sales and marketing tool that not only demonstrates social proof, but also allows your potential customer to imagine how your product or service will improve their everyday life.


The perfect length

Include links to these case studies on your website’s homepage, landing page or sales page. In my experience, I have found that a short 500 to 750 word business case study is most effective. The reality is, that most prospects don’t want to read through a huge amount of text to find out what the main benefits of your product or service are, and what your existing customers have to say.

I’d recommend hiring a professional case study writing service so an experienced B2B copywriter can create this powerful sales piece for you.

The following are the key elements a business case study template should include for maximum impact:


An attention-grabbing headline

Effective business case studies should start with an inspiring headline that tells your potential customer the top line benefit your product or service delivered for your existing client. This is essential to get right so that your sales prospect reads on.


Introduce the client

This section is a short summary to introduce who your client is. Big them up! You want your prospect to be impressed with your existing clients. This section also uses social proof and builds credibility with your potential client by demonstrating that another company trusts in your product or service.


Describe the challenge

You then need to tell your prospect what problem you solved for your client. Be detailed in describing the challenges your client faced and set the scene for the next section in which you will describe how you met those challenges.


Make your solution shine

This will be the most persuasive section of the entire business case study. Here you will describe how your product or service specifically solved the client’s problem. For example, this could be anything from saving them money, time, or man-hours, to public scrutiny or reducing their environmental impact. Whatever problem you solved, you need to sing about it in this section and really make it shine.


Kill ’em with the results!

This section might not always be possible if you don’t have hard facts, stats, or metrics to demonstrate your successes. Just another good reason to hire a B2B business case study copywriter, who will find results where you might not see them.


Create a compelling Call to Action

Now you have demonstrated how amazing your product or service is, you need to include a compelling sales message and Call to Action that tells your prospect what you want them to do next.

Summarize the main benefit of your product or service, then tell your prospect how you want them to: get in touch, buy now, start a free trial, or book a demo. It’s really important to include this message, otherwise, it is a wasted opportunity!

Want an experienced B2B business case study copywriter to craft this powerful sales tool for you? GET IN TOUCH TODAY for samples and a quote!

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