How to Create a Content Marketing Plan for Your Business or Website

Content marketing copywriting service
Content marketing with blog posts and articles is one of the best ways to attract your ideal customer to your website.

Before you create your content marketing plan you need to do deep keyword research so that you have a list of target SEO search terms to optimize your blogs with. For tips on how to do this read my blog post HERE.

The trick to content marketing is to take your keyword research and identify what questions your ideal customer is searching for, or what problems they are looking to solve. You need to frame your blog posts and articles around those questions and problems.


Steps to creating your content marketing plan…

  • Make a list of your target audience’s questions and problems
  • Turn those search queries into engaging blog titles
  • Decide how frequently you want to post – I would recommend a minimum of one per week, ideally three
  • Use a calendar or spreadsheet to create a schedule for your blog posts – write down which topic you are going to post in what week
  • Note down which social media platforms you will distribute your blog articles on with engaging post copy


Complete those steps and you will have a content marketing plan!

The next step is to create all of the content that will become your blog articles. This has to be well-written, and it needs to provide great value to your readers to be effective.

Do your research and invest time in writing these articles. The investment will pay for itself many times over when you attract your target customer to your website and they buy your product or service.

Alternatively, hire an experienced content marketing copywriter to nail all of this for you!

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