How to Optimize Your Website Copy to Increase Your Sales – Part 2

Following on from part 1 of this series on How to Optimize Your Website Copy to Increase Your Sales, I’m going to share more sales elements that your website needs to optimize for serious conversions.

For numbers 1-3, follow the blog link above.


4. Summarize the benefits and features

Now you’ve got the customer’s attention and they trust you as a company or individual, it’s time to go into more detail about the features and benefits of what you’re selling.

Remember! Features are not benefits. Many online entrepreneurs and sellers confuse this at significant cost to their conversions.

To demonstrate this, we’ll look at an iPhone screen cover example:

Feature = Durable tempered glass
Benefit = Protect your phone’s screen and resale value

The rule of thumb with benefits is to answer your customer’s no.1 question – “What’s in it for me?”

In your sales copy, you need to tell them how your product or service is going to improve their life, instead of expecting them to guess by just listing a feature – lots of customers will not make that leap of imagination.

Don’t get me wrong, listing the features of your product or service is important. Just make sure they don’t replace, or are more prominent than the benefits. A website copywriter can weave stand out features into rich marketing copy that is framed around a benefit.


5. Include some killer customer testimonials

This section is all about social proof – and it is POWERFUL. When other people tell us that that a product or serivce has positively changed their life, then a) we want some of that action, and b) we know we can trust the company and what they’re selling.

If you have testimonials that address some of the barriers your customers may have when making their purchasing decision – use them! Also try and make sure the customer giving the testimonial is a representation of your target audience.

Just getting started and don’t have testimonials yet? Offer some friends, family or early adopters a free sample or trial and ask for their honest feedback.


6. Write a compelling ‘Call To Action’

A ‘Call to Action’ is telling your customer what action you want them to take next. At every stage of the customer journey, you need to be asking yourself this question – what do I want them to do next? Then tell them in your copy.

A standard CTA is: Learn More, Shop Now, Read More, Buy Now

A more imaginative one could be: Get My Discount, Claim My Free Trial, I Want This!

Notice how those last examples are written from the point of view of the customer?

And don’t just wait until the end of your web page before including this CTA!

Statistics show that including a CTA button at the top of a web page is excellent for conversions. Give the customer a chance to sign up or buy whatever you’re selling plenty of times throughout your website copy. If you’ve nailed the other elements I’ve talked about in this series, it’s way more likely your website visitors will click that button.

Hire a professional copywriting service to nail it for you! GET IN TOUCH and I’d be happy to help!

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