copywriting service

The Incredible Sales Power of an Email Marketing Sequence

April 24, 2019
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in Blog

Sales and marketing email copywriting service 

Building an email list and marketing to it is still a very effective way to make sales. But, your sales performance will only be as good as your marketing email copywriter.

This series of automated marketing emails is designed to sell your product or service to someone that has given you their email address by either buying one of your products, or signing up to receive something you have offered for free (we call this a ‘lead magnet’). Each email typically sends the reader to your sales page in order to take advantage of the offer.


Set the right tone

Effective email sequences have an engaging conversational tone while inspiring trust in your company. They also tell a story and sell in the benefits of your product or service.

You need to be careful not to come across as spammy, otherwise you will lose that important sales asset (the customer’s email address) and could be at risk of being pegged as a spammer with Google and excellent automated email services like MailChimp.


Hire the right person for the job

To avoid this, you need to hire a direct response sales email copywriter to strike the fine balance between conversation and story, and persuasive sales copy that inspires the reader to take action.

These digital automated email sequences have replaced traditional direct mail or sales letter marketing. But the sales principles are still the same and the classic sales techniques need to be applied.

Invest in a professional email writing service and the initial budget you spend will be paid back many times over.


Find the perfect number

The number of emails in your sequence depends upon the product or services you are selling, and how warm your prospects are. This needs to be carefully planned in terms of scheduling and content so that you can make the most out of each and every email address you collect.

Get that right, and your email sequence can make you a ton of money while you sleep, which is true passive income!

Want an experienced direct response copywriter to create a killer email sequence for your product or services? Take a look at the brands and online entrepreneurs I’ve helped with persuasive sales copywriting, then GET IN TOUCH TODAY for a quote.

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How to Increase Traffic to Your Website With SEO

February 1, 2019
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in Blog

I am often asked how to rank higher on Google and increase organic traffic on a website using SEO. Basically, it’s all about targeting the right keywords through good research, and then placing those search terms naturally throughout your marketing copy and website content.


It’s not rocket science – you can do this!

Firstly, I’ll say that this element of online marketing is pretty simple to understand and implement. Sure, there are SEO experts that know a lot about the algorithms of Google or Amazon, but you can get pretty far by yourself.


Competitor research

The first place to find keyword ideas is to look at what your competitors are doing.

Make a list of your top 5 competitors (you don’t need any more than this).

Go onto their websites and make a list of what page titles they are using. You can do this by clicking or hovering over the tab at the top of the browser window.

SEO page titles can help increase website traffic

For example, my website’s homepage title is:

Website Copywriter & Amazon Listing Copywriting Service | US & UK

This is jam-packed with single keywords that make up the major search terms that my target audience use to find my service, so it’s super optimized.

Also, by including those words in this blog in a way that makes sense, it will help reinforce to Google that my website should be ranked for these terms. But more on that later…

After you’ve listed out your competitors’ page titles, scour the copy on their main pages for potential search terms and add them to your list. Hover your mouse over their images, or open them in a new tab to see how they are labeled. You are sure to find more keywords there too.

Find out what metatags your competitors are using by right clicking anywhere on the page and selecting ‘view source’.

Once you have your list of competitor keyword phrases, you should already have a good picture of what search terms are most popular.


Use the Google search bar

Next, you’re going to use Google’s search bar to expand your list of potential keywords.

1. Open an incognito window, or clear your cache

2. Go to

3. Take your list of competitor keywords and start typing your major root keywords into the search bar. For example, I might start typing ‘website copy’

You will get something like this:

How to find SEO keywords with Google search bar

Google then suggests search terms based on the ones that are most popular (highest volume). So from that list above, I might write down:

Website copywriter
Website copywriting rates
Website copywriting services

All of these show potential ‘intent to buy’.

So, pop in your service or product type and see what Google suggests. Try lots of different terms.


Invest in a great a keyword research tool

You can only get so far with free keyword research tools. You need to know what volume and competition a keyword has, so you know which ones to prioritize and target.

A month’s subscription to a professional keyword research tool that gives you a ton of valuable data will set you back between $30-$40, which is nothing in the grand scheme of your epic business.

I recommend Longtail Pro as the mac daddy of keyword research tools. I use it for both websites and marketplaces, and have had great success for both me and my clients using its powerful data.

With Longtail Pro you can do unlimited searches and build a mega master list of search terms.

The other tool I recommend for Amazon sellers is Helium10. It is THE best tool for spying on your competitors, finding golden keyword opportunities and keeping track of your listing’s performance. They also have a ton of video tutorials.


Prioritize your list

Once you have a master list, you need to drill it down according to the following factors:

1. Relevance
2. Intent to buy (product or service)
3. High volume & low competition

The third one can be tough in a competitive market, so see if you can find some keyword opportunities that you could potentially target. Longtail keywords often provide these opportunities. For example:

Website copywriter – volume 1000k p/m – competition HIGH
Website copywriting service UK – volume 250 p/m – competition LOW

If I’m late to the market, there’s no way I’m going to rank for the main root term (unless I drive traffic in other ways). But I have a shot at the longtail search term that has lower volume, but also lower competition.


Optimize your content & website with your keywords

So now you have your targeted master keywords list and you’re ready to start optimizing your content.

Here’s where you need to put your search terms:

– Page titles
– Section headers
– Image file names and captions
– Metatags
– Body text of any content

If you have long keyword search terms that can’t fit naturally in a sentence, just place the single keywords that make up the term throughout your content and you can still rank for that term.

Basically, when you’re writing about your product, service or company, try and phrase it in a way that allows you to naturally include your keywords. This is the most challenging bit, because you also need rich marketing copy.

Of course, you could always hire a professional copywriter to do it for you.

See what I did there?


Attracting your ideal customer

Beyond optimizing your website, another great way to attract your target audience to your website (and to your buy/contact buttons) is with blogs and social media posts.

Create blogs that answer or solve your customers’ problems so you can include links to your product or service, or a key Call to Action, while they are on the page (like the big blue box on your right!).

You can find what problems or questions your customers have by going back to your early master keyword list and looking at searches that include terms like ‘how to…’ or ‘what is…’ or ‘where can I find…’

Create an SEO blog title that includes their question and write 500-1000 words of valuable content that provides some insight or solves their problem.

Then distribute that blog link on all of your social media channels and include relevant hashtags to your market space, in order to reach a wider audience.

So in conclusion, it’s all about putting the right words in the right places!

Follow me on social to be notified of future blogs where I’ll share more ideas on how to increase traffic to your website.






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April 16, 2018
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Jess Dang, the inspirational founder of San Francisco based company Cook Smarts, hired my copywriting and branding services to give her website and sales pages a revamp. In addition to writing persuasive and inspiring copy in the Cook Smarts brand tone of voice, I helped Jess with sales strategy for her meal plan service and online course, and wrote the scripts for several videos.

Check out the results below…


Sales page copywriting service for cook smarts


Sales page copywriting service for meal plan service


Sales page copywriting service for meal plan service












Web copywriting
Sales copywriting
Business strategy
Video script writing
Social media ad copy and consulting

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November 23, 2016
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LA juice bar revolutionaries Juice Pirate employed my website copywriting services and asked me to work with their design company to create a fun and unique tone of voice for their new website.

I crafted a compelling brand story for their company mascot, Tentacle Jack, and wrote their About page, Mission Statement and all website copy ready for launch.

Check it out here:

Homepage About Us website copy

About Us and Mission Statement web content writing

compelling brand and website copywriting for LA juice bar

Brand story and web copywriting for LA juice bar


































Web copywriting
About Us copy
Explainer video script writing
Social media copywriting and consulting
Hubspot inbound marketing blog writing

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January 6, 2016
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The Artisan Row Accessories founder Annette Lasala hired me to help her create a compelling brand story for her socially responsible fashion accessories company. Having helped to identify a unique and strong brand tone of voice, I continued my collaboration with TARA copywriting taglines, campaign hashtags and create compelling website copy for the successful launch of the first collection.

TARA About copy



Web copywriting
Business strategy
Advertising copy
About Us page copy
Explainer video script writing
Social media copywriting and consulting
Instagram original quote writing
Hubspot inbound marketing blog writing

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January 6, 2016
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Exciting new SaaS company, CloudFirst, hired my web copywriting services to translate their big idea to users with simple, but powerful language. The project involved writing headlines, banner copy and web content to engage and convert their CEO target audience.

I started with identifying the main barrier for their target audience…


Headline writing and web copywriting services for SaaS company CloudFirst



website copywriting and branding for SaaS company CloudFirst


web copy and branding services for CloudFirst

Content writing services for CloudFirst

web copywriting services for CloudFirst SaaS company

sales copywriting and branding services for SaaS company CloudFirst

CloudFirst project - web copywriting services for SaaS company



Web copywriting
Business strategy
Advertising copy
About Us page copy
SaaS copywriting

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November 25, 2015
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Green Steps, a sustainability agency in Barcelona, hired me to consult on all aspects of branding. I went on to create SEO website copy and marketing materials for their successful launch. I continue to offer marketing strategy consultation, email marketing copywriting and ongoing website copy to this exciting new startup.

Marketing, branding and website copywriting for sustainability consultancy Green Steps



Web copywriting
Business strategy
Advertising copy
About Us page copy
Explainer video script writing
Social media copywriting and consulting
Hubspot inbound marketing blog writing

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