Amazon Seller Tips

The Benefits of Creating an Amazon Seller Brand Story with A+ Content

January 16, 2024
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Amazon copywriter A+ Brand Story Service Copywriting


In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, where products flood the marketplace and consumers are faced with myriad choices, the ability to distinguish your brand is paramount. Amazon, recognizing this need, provides sellers with a unique tool – A+ Content – to share their brand story in a compelling and visually engaging manner. As an Amazon copywriter specializing in product listings and A+ Content, I’ve witnessed the transformative impact that a well-crafted brand story can have on an Amazon seller’s success. In this blog, we’ll delve into the benefits of creating an Amazon Seller Brand Story and leveraging A+ Content for enhanced visibility, trust-building, and increased conversions.


The Essence of an Amazon Seller Brand Story

Your brand is more than just a collection of products; it’s a narrative waiting to be told. An Amazon Seller Brand Story is a tool that allows you to weave that narrative into the fabric of your product listings. It’s an opportunity to connect with your audience on a deeper level, transcending the transactional nature of e-commerce.


Building Trust and Credibility

One of the primary benefits of crafting an Amazon Seller Brand Story is the establishment of trust and credibility. As an Amazon copywriter, I understand the psychology behind consumer decision-making, and trust plays a pivotal role in the purchase process.

By sharing your brand’s story, values, and mission, you humanize your business. Customers aren’t just buying a product; they are investing in a brand that aligns with their values. A well-crafted Amazon Seller Brand Story builds a bridge of trust between you and your customers, fostering a sense of authenticity that goes a long way in the competitive world of e-commerce.


Enhanced Visibility Through A+ Content

A+ Content takes the concept of an Amazon Seller Brand Story to the next level. It allows you to create visually stunning and informative content that enhances your product listings. As an Amazon A+ content copywriter, I’ve seen how A+ Content significantly boosts visibility and engagement.

When customers land on your product page, they’re not just met with a list of features. A+ Content provides an immersive experience, utilizing enhanced visuals, detailed product information, and compelling storytelling. This not only captures attention but keeps potential buyers engaged, reducing bounce rates and increasing the likelihood of conversions.


The Impact of Visual Storytelling

Humans are naturally drawn to stories, and visual storytelling is a powerful way to communicate your brand’s narrative. A+ Content allows you to incorporate high-quality images, infographics, and lifestyle photography, creating a visual tapestry that resonates with your target audience.

As an Amazon product listing copywriter, I’ve found that visual storytelling through A+ Content helps break down the barriers of online shopping. It allows customers to envision themselves using your products, understanding how they fit into their lives. The emotional connection fostered through visual storytelling has a direct impact on purchasing decisions.

Educating and Informing Your Audience

Beyond storytelling, A+ Content serves as an educational tool. It allows you to communicate the unique features and benefits of your products in a more detailed and compelling manner. As an Amazon A+ content copywriter, I emphasize the importance of balancing information with engagement.

Customers want to make informed decisions, and A+ Content provides the space to showcase the intricate details of your products. Whether it’s highlighting innovative technology, showcasing key specifications, or providing usage tips, A+ Content enables you to educate your audience, empowering them to make confident purchase decisions.


Differentiation in a Crowded Marketplace

In the vast Amazon marketplace, where countless sellers offer similar products, differentiation is the key to success. A well-crafted Amazon Seller Brand Story, complemented by A+ Content, sets your products apart from the competition.

As an Amazon copywriter, I understand the nuances of effective differentiation. A+ Content allows you to highlight what makes your brand unique, showcasing your USPs (Unique Selling Propositions) and creating a memorable impression on customers. Whether it’s superior quality, eco-friendly practices, or exceptional customer service, A+ Content is the canvas on which you paint a distinctive brand identity.

Guiding the Customer Journey

The customer journey is a series of touchpoints, from the initial search to the final purchase decision. A+ Content guides customers through this journey, providing them with the information they need at each stage.

An Amazon Seller Brand Story, conveyed through A+ Content, serves as a narrative thread that connects the dots. It introduces customers to your brand, guides them through the unique features of your products, and reaffirms their decision with compelling visuals and storytelling. This cohesive journey not only enhances the overall customer experience but also increases the likelihood of customer retention.


Measuring Success and Iterating

The beauty of A+ Content is not just in its creation but in its ability to be optimized. As an Amazon A+ content copywriter, I emphasize the importance of continually measuring the success of your content and iterating based on insights.

Utilize Amazon’s analytics tools to track engagement metrics, conversion rates, and customer feedback. Identify what elements resonate most with your audience and refine your A+ Content accordingly. This iterative approach ensures that your Amazon Seller Brand Story evolves to meet the changing needs and preferences of your customers.


Conclusion: Elevate Your Brand with A+ Content

In the competitive landscape of Amazon, creating an Amazon Seller Brand Story is not just a choice; it’s a strategic imperative. A well-crafted narrative, complemented by visually stunning A+ Content, goes beyond selling products – it sells an experience, a lifestyle, and a brand that customers want to be a part of.

As an Amazon copywriter, I’ve witnessed the impact of compelling brand storytelling through A+ Content. By unlocking the benefits of an Amazon Seller Brand Story, you’re not just enhancing your product listings; you’re building a brand that resonates, connects, and ultimately thrives in the dynamic world of e-commerce. Harness the power of storytelling, embrace A+ Content, and watch as your brand rises above the noise, captivating customers and driving success on Amazon.




As an experienced Amazon copywriter and consultant,
I’ve helped many brands and online entrepreneurs skyrocket their sales



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Unlocking Success: The Undeniable Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry

December 9, 2023
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Amazon copywriter copywriting service A+ content EBC enhanced brand content


Unlocking Success: The Undeniable Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry


In the vast and competitive landscape of Amazon, establishing a distinct brand identity is a challenging yet essential endeavour. Amazon Brand Registry emerges as a powerful ally in this pursuit, offering sellers a range of benefits that not only safeguard their brand but also elevate their presence on the e-commerce giant. As an Amazon copywriter specializing in product listings and Enhanced Brand Content, I have witnessed the transformative impact of Amazon Brand Registry on brand authenticity, protection, and overall success.



Understanding Amazon Brand Registry: A Strategic Investment


Amazon Brand Registry is a program designed to help sellers protect their brand, enhance their product listings, and gain more control over their Amazon presence. As an Amazon product listing copywriter, I've seen first-hand how enrolling in the Amazon Brand Registry provides sellers with a strategic advantage in the competitive marketplace.



Enhanced Brand Content: Elevating the Shopping Experience


One of the standout features of Amazon Brand Registry is the access it provides to Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). As an Amazon A+ content copywriter, I understand the significance of EBC in creating a visually appealing and informative shopping experience. EBC allows brand owners to showcase their products using enhanced visuals, additional details, and compelling storytelling.


By incorporating EBC into your product listings, you can go beyond the standard product descriptions and present your brand in a more immersive way. From high-quality images to engaging brand narratives, EBC sets your listings apart, capturing the attention of potential buyers and fostering a deeper connection with your brand.



Protecting Your Brand: A Crucial Imperative


Counterfeiting and unauthorized sellers are challenges that many brands face on Amazon. Amazon Brand Registry addresses these concerns by providing tools and features to protect your brand. As an Amazon copywriter, I recognize the importance of brand protection in maintaining trust with customers.


Brand Registry offers a higher level of control over your product listings, making it more challenging for unauthorized sellers to manipulate your content. This increased control not only safeguards your brand's reputation but also ensures that customers receive genuine products, reinforcing their trust in your brand.



Streamlining the Reporting Process: An Amazon Copywriter's Perspective


One notable advantage of Amazon Brand Registry is the streamlined process for reporting intellectual property violations. As an Amazon product listing copywriter, I've seen how the quick resolution of such issues can prevent damage to a brand's reputation and bottom line.


With Brand Registry, reporting trademark and copyright infringements becomes more efficient. This proactive approach allows brand owners to take swift action against unauthorized use of their intellectual property, reinforcing Amazon's commitment to maintaining a fair and trustworthy marketplace.

Preventing Content Abuses


Content abuses, such as unauthorized changes to product listings, can negatively impact a brand's image and sales. Amazon Brand Registry empowers brand owners by providing additional protection against such abuses. 


Brand Registry allows you to set rules for your product listings, restricting changes that could dilute your brand message or misrepresent your products. This level of control ensures that your listings accurately reflect your brand, allowing customers to make informed purchasing decisions.



Amazon Copywriter's Guide to Successful Brand Registry Enrolment


Enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry is a strategic move for any brand looking to enhance its presence on the platform. As an Amazon copywriter, I offer the following guide to ensure a successful Brand Registry enrolment:


1. Register Your Trademarks:

   Before enrolling in Brand Registry, ensure that your brand has registered trademarks. This is a prerequisite for eligibility and provides an added layer of protection for your intellectual property.


2. Create a Detailed Brand Profile:

   Develop a comprehensive brand profile that accurately represents your brand. Include key elements such as your logo, product images, and a compelling brand story. This not only strengthens your application but also enhances your brand's visibility on Amazon.


3. Utilize Enhanced Brand Content:

   As part of your enrolment, take full advantage of Enhanced Brand Content. Craft compelling brand narratives, incorporate high-quality images, and create an immersive shopping experience for your customers.


4. Monitor and Protect:

   After enrolment, regularly monitor your product listings for any unauthorized changes or infringements. Act promptly to report and address any issues that may arise.


5. Leverage A+ Content:

   If eligible, explore A+ Content for an even more enhanced shopping experience. Work with an Amazon A+ content copywriter to create engaging and informative content that resonates with your audience.



Conclusion: Empowering Your Brand's Success on Amazon


In the ever-evolving landscape of Amazon, navigating the complexities of brand protection and enhancement is crucial for long-term success. Amazon Brand Registry emerges as a valuable tool that not only safeguards your brand but also provides opportunities for elevated storytelling through Enhanced Brand Content.


As an Amazon copywriter specializing in product listings and A+ Content, I've seen how the strategic enrolment in Brand Registry can be a game-changer for brands. By combining brand protection, content enhancement, and a proactive approach to potential issues, Brand Registry empowers sellers to unlock new levels of success on the world's largest e-commerce platform. As you embark on your journey with Amazon Brand Registry, consider the invaluable benefits it brings to the table, reinforcing your brand's authenticity and creating a more compelling shopping experience for your customers.




As an experienced Amazon copywriter and consultant,
I’ve helped many brands and online entrepreneurs skyrocket their sales



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The Art of Persuasion: Crafting Rich Product Listings to Boost Sales with an Amazon Copywriter’s Touch

December 7, 2023
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Amazon copywriter copywriting service A+ content EBC enhanced brand content



The Art of Persuasion: Crafting Rich Product Listings to Boost Sales with an Amazon Copywriter's Touch


In the dynamic world of e-commerce, where attention spans are fleeting and choices abundant, the art of persuasion becomes paramount. Crafting rich product listings is not just a matter of presenting information; it's about telling a compelling story that resonates with potential buyers. As an Amazon product listing copywriter, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of persuasive content in driving sales and building lasting brand connections. In this blog, we'll explore the nuances of the art of persuasion and how leveraging the expertise of an Amazon copywriter can elevate your product listings to new heights.



Understanding the Landscape: The Importance of Persuasion in Product Listings


In the vast sea of Amazon listings, standing out is an ongoing challenge. It's not enough to merely list your product features; you must engage your audience with a narrative that speaks to their needs, desires, and emotions. This is where the art of persuasion comes into play.


Effective persuasion begins with understanding your target audience. An Amazon product listing copywriter delves deep into consumer behavior, identifying pain points, aspirations, and motivations. By incorporating these insights into the product listing, you create a connection that goes beyond transactional, turning a browser into a buyer.



The Role of an Amazon Copywriter in Crafting Persuasive Product Listings


An Amazon copywriter is not just a wordsmith; they are strategic storytellers who understand the psychology of consumer decision-making. Crafting persuasive product listings requires a delicate balance of information, emotion, and persuasion techniques to guide the buyer seamlessly from interest to purchase.


As an Amazon A+ content copywriter, I specialize in creating content that not only informs but also persuades. A+ Content allows for a more immersive experience by incorporating enhanced visuals and additional details. Leveraging this feature, I weave compelling narratives that showcase the value and uniqueness of your products.



Elevating Your Listings with Enhanced Brand Content


Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) is a powerful tool that provides sellers with the opportunity to share their brand story in a visually appealing format. An Amazon Enhanced Brand Content copywriter plays a crucial role in utilizing this feature to its full potential. By creating visually rich content, including high-quality images and engaging storytelling, EBC transforms your product listings into a curated brand experience.


EBC not only enhances the visual appeal of your listings but also allows you to highlight key features and benefits in a more detailed manner. An Amazon product listing copywriter knows how to leverage the storytelling aspect of EBC, creating a narrative that draws customers in, fosters trust, and ultimately leads to increased conversions.



The Persuasive Power of Words: Crafting Compelling Product Descriptions


Product descriptions are the heart of your listing—the place where the art of persuasion truly comes to life. An experienced Amazon copywriter crafts product descriptions that go beyond the mundane specifications, focusing on the benefits that matter most to your target audience.


For example, if you're selling a skincare product, it's not just about listing the ingredients; it's about communicating how those ingredients nourish the skin, providing a luxurious and rejuvenating experience. Through carefully chosen words, an Amazon product listing copywriter transforms features into compelling benefits, creating a narrative that speaks directly to the customer's desires.



Leveraging Keywords for Visibility and Persuasion


In the digital realm, visibility is paramount, and the strategic use of keywords is the key to achieving it. An Amazon copywriter understands the importance of incorporating relevant keywords seamlessly into the content to enhance both visibility and persuasiveness.


The art of persuasion extends to the language used in titles, bullet points, and product descriptions. By strategically placing keywords without compromising the flow of the narrative, an Amazon product listing copywriter ensures that your listings not only rank high in search results but also resonate with your target audience.



The Human Touch: Building Trust Through Persuasive Content


Trust is a crucial element in the buyer's journey. Persuasive content goes beyond selling; it's about building a relationship with your customers. An Amazon copywriter infuses a human touch into your listings, creating an emotional connection that sets the stage for trust and loyalty.


Testimonials, customer reviews, and success stories are powerful tools in the art of persuasion. An Amazon A+ content copywriter knows how to strategically incorporate these elements, providing social proof that reinforces the value of your products. By showcasing positive experiences, you not only persuade potential buyers but also instill confidence in your brand.



In Conclusion: Elevate Your Sales with Persuasive Product Listings


The art of persuasion is a skill that transforms ordinary product listings into sales-driving narratives. An experienced Amazon copywriter understands the delicate balance between information and emotion, crafting content that not only informs but persuades. From strategic keyword placement to the immersive storytelling power of Enhanced Brand Content, every element plays a crucial role in elevating your sales on Amazon.


Investing in the services of an Amazon product listing copywriter is not just about enhancing your content; it's about transforming your Amazon presence into a persuasive force that captivates, convinces, and converts. As you navigate the competitive landscape of e-commerce, remember that the art of persuasion is your secret weapon to boosting sales and building a brand that resonates with your audience.




As an experienced Amazon copywriter and consultant,
I’ve helped many brands and online entrepreneurs skyrocket their sales



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Crafting High-Converting A+ Brand Content on Amazon: Insights from an Experienced Amazon Copywriter

December 4, 2023
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Amazon A+ Content Copywriter Product Listing EBC Enhanced Brand Content Service




In the vast and competitive landscape of Amazon, one thing is clear: standing out is not a walk in the park. The key to success lies in the art of crafting compelling A+ Brand Content, and the unsung heroes behind these conversions are Amazon copywriters. 


As an experienced Amazon copywriter who specializes in EBC (Enhanced Brand Content), Amazon Brand Registry, and product listing copywriting, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge that can help you enhance your brand's presence and boost sales on this e-commerce giant. In this article, I'll share the best practices for creating A+ Brand Content on Amazon, weaving in the perspective of an Amazon copywriter to help you master the art.


1. Understanding the Role of an Amazon Copywriter


Before diving into best practices, it's vital to comprehend the role of an Amazon copywriter. Amazon copywriters are essentially wordsmiths who craft persuasive product listings, EBC, and A+ Brand Content to engage and convert potential customers. They are well-versed in the intricacies of Amazon's ever-evolving guidelines and possess the unique skill set required to create content that not only ranks high but also converts clicks into sales.


2. Leveraging Amazon's Enhanced Brand Content


As an Amazon copywriter, I've learned that Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) is a game-changer when it comes to engaging potential buyers. EBC allows brands to tell their story in a visually rich format. To make the most of it, keep these best practices in mind:


– Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Start by identifying what sets your brand apart from the competition. Is it your quality, innovation, or exceptional customer service? Weave these USPs into your content to establish trust and value.


– Use High-Quality Images and Graphics: EBC offers the opportunity to include high-resolution images and graphics. Invest in professional photography and graphics to showcase your products in the best light.


– Create a Storytelling Narrative: Craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your target audience. Show how your products can solve their problems or enhance their lives. Engage and connect emotionally with your potential buyers.


3. Harnessing the Power of Amazon Brand Registry


Amazon Brand Registry provides numerous benefits to registered brands, including added protection against counterfeits and increased control over their product listings. As an Amazon Brand Registry copywriter, here are some best practices for leveraging this powerful tool:


– Utilize Enhanced Content Features: With Brand Registry, you can access premium content options like A+ Brand Content. Take advantage of these features to provide a more informative and engaging shopping experience.


– Maintain a Consistent Brand Image: Ensure that your brand's voice, style, and imagery are consistent across all your product listings. This not only fosters trust but also reinforces your brand identity.


– Monitor and Report Violations: Keep a close eye on your brand's presence on Amazon and report any unauthorized sellers or content violations promptly. This proactive approach protects your brand's reputation and authenticity.


4. Crafting High-Converting Amazon Product Listings


One of the fundamental responsibilities of an Amazon copywriter is to create product listings that captivate potential buyers. Here are some best practices to consider:


– Keyword Research: In the world of Amazon copywriting, keywords are king. Extensive keyword research is essential to ensure your product listings rank high in search results. Utilize tools like Amazon's search term report, Google Keyword Planner, and other SEO tools to discover relevant keywords for your products.


– Clear and Concise Titles: Your product title is often the first thing shoppers see. It should be clear, concise, and include the primary keywords related to your product. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can result in lower rankings.


– Engaging Bullet Points: The bullet points should be informative, highlighting the key features and benefits of your product. Use persuasive language and emphasize what makes your product unique.


– Compelling Product Descriptions: The product description is your opportunity to paint a vivid picture for potential buyers. Craft a narrative that showcases how your product solves their problem or fulfills a need.


– High-Quality Images: Professional product images are a must. Showcase your product from various angles and in different use cases. High-resolution images build trust and give customers a closer look at what they are purchasing.


– Utilize A+ Content: A+ Brand Content within your product listing can make a significant difference. Use this space to provide more detailed information, including additional images, comparison charts, and infographics.


5. Testing and Optimization


The work of an Amazon listing copywriter doesn't end once the content is live. Continuous testing and optimization are crucial for maintaining and improving your listing's performance. Here's how to do it:


– A/B Testing: Experiment with different product titles, images, and content to see what resonates best with your audience. Amazon allows you to run A/B tests to determine the most effective elements of your listings.


– Monitor Customer Feedback: Keep a close eye on customer reviews and feedback. Address any issues promptly and use customer feedback to refine your listings.


– Optimize Keywords: Regularly revisit your keywords to ensure they remain relevant. Amazon's algorithms are constantly evolving, so staying up-to-date with the latest search trends is essential.


– Track and Analyze Performance: Utilize Amazon's Seller Central and third-party analytics tools to monitor the performance of your listings. Pay attention to conversion rates, click-through rates, and other key metrics.


6. Complying with Amazon's Guidelines


As an Amazon copywriter, it's crucial to stay up-to-date with Amazon's guidelines and policies. Failure to comply with their rules can result in penalties, content removal, or account suspension. Some key guidelines to keep in mind include:


– Avoid Misleading Information: Your content should accurately represent your product. Any false or exaggerated claims can lead to trouble.


– Stay Within Amazon's Style Guide: Amazon has a specific style guide that outlines their preferred formatting, grammar, and style rules. Adhering to this guide ensures consistency across the platform.


– Be Mindful of Trademarks: Don't use trademarks or copyrighted material without permission. This includes logos, brand names, and images.


– Avoid Incentivized Reviews: Amazon has strict rules against incentivizing or paying for reviews. Focus on organic, honest customer feedback.




In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, Amazon remains a dominant force. As an experienced Amazon copywriter, my journey has taught me that crafting A+ Brand Content, EBC, and product listings that captivate and convert is an art that requires continuous learning and adaptation. By leveraging Enhanced Brand Content, Amazon Brand Registry, and following best practices for product listings, you can create a compelling online presence that sets you apart from the competition and drives sales. 

Remember, your content isn't static; it should be a living, breathing entity that adapts to the changing needs and preferences of your audience. With dedication, creativity, and a keen eye for detail, you can master the art of Amazon copywriting and pave the way for your brand's success on this e-commerce behemoth.




As an experienced Amazon copywriter and consultant,
I’ve helped many brands and online entrepreneurs skyrocket their sales



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Amazon A+ Content Series for Sellers: Templates

August 1, 2022
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Amazon A+ Content Copywriting Series by Converting Copywriter Enhanced Brand Content

As an Amazon A+ copywriter, I am often asked what type of content converts the most customers, and results in more Amazon sales. I have worked with top sellers for years to produce superior quality A+ Amazon content that sells in the benefits and features of a product at a glance.

In this series, I’m going to break down my approach, and what Brand Registered sellers should be looking to create in order to maximize sales conversions.

The first area we will discuss, is the overall style and presentation of your Amazon A+ content. My clients and I have found that infographic banners convert at the highest rate. This requires the perfect balance between design, product images, and product copy. This allows the customer to glean the important features and benefits quickly, while scanning the page.

For this Amazon A+ template you simply need to create five or six image banners – I use the ‘image header with text’ module – and upload them to the A+ content area in Amazon Seller Central.

If you look at your competitors, I almost guarantee that the lead seller in your category has adopted this style for their A+ enhanced brand content.

This infographic A+ content template is in contrast with the slightly older style where you plug in an image to the preset module and then write live product copy text to go with it. The problem with that is, customers don’t like to read big blocks of text, and you therefore risk them missing the key benefits of your product.

PRO TIP: Benefits tell the customer how your product is going to improve their life. Lots of sellers (and inexperienced copywriters!) confuse this with the actual features of a product.

Using this infographic style for your Amazon A+ template requires a good Amazon copywriter, and a designer. It certainly isn’t the cheapest option, but it will pay back many times over if you invest in this approach. One client of mine in the Home and Garden category increased his sales by over 500% in one month after he’d pushed my A+ content live. Done right, it’s powerful stuff!

When I’m creating Amazon A+ content for my clients, I provide an infographic mock up that includes product copy, a basic layout, and a messaging hierarchy for the whole piece of content. This gives the designer I work with a map, or the ‘information architecture’, they need to create the final design. It also allows my clients to make any changes to the copy and basic layout prior to the design stage.

If you want to be guided through the whole process by an experienced Amazon copywriter, get in touch and I will my share examples and prices.

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Why You Need Killer Amazon A+ Enhanced Brand Content – Now!

January 20, 2022
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Amazon A+ Enhanced Brand Content Copywriting Services


As an Amazon listing copywriter that specialises in offering A+ / Enhanced Brand Content Copywriting Services, I am often asked by established sellers and new sellers how to sell more on Amazon.

SEO is an important factor in getting your Amazon product listing in front of a broad audience, however, an established listing that is getting decent sales can sometimes drop rank if the SEO is changed too dramatically.

I have had clients that have gone from making $75,000 per month to making almost no sales when they have updated their title and bullet points. Obviously, that is a huge risk and would be an absolute nightmare scenario.

One of the best ways an established listing can get more traffic and sales is by becoming Brand Registered. You can read about the many benefits of achieving this status in my blog – The Incredible Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry.

Basically, you need a trademark. Which actually is not that hard to get. Several reputable companies can arrange this for you for a reasonable price and relatively quickly.

Once you’re Brand Registered, you need to create rich A+ Enhanced Brand Content that will replace your text-based product description. I am often asked if I have an A+ content template, but what works for one brand, may not work for another.

You still need to make sure that your A+ Enhanced Brand Content follows a classic sales structure. This was created eons ago, but it still converts extremely well.

The type of content that converts at the highest level is infographic banners – image-based in nature with key benefit-lead selling points accompanying great product and lifestyle photos. There is an art to creating high-converting infographic banners, and to do it right, there is a ton of work involved. Currently, this is the main type of work I do for my clients.

You will likely see this kind of content being used by the top sellers in your specific category. If your main competitors aren’t using this high-converting strategy, that’s brilliant news! It means you have a no-brainer way to beat them easily. Get in touch, and I’ll show you how.

This approach does require a designer to produce the final image banners to a certain size, but you can easily find good designers on Upwork or Fiverr. For my clients, I create an infographic mockup that acts like a map that a designer can easily work from. I also have a trusted designer I work with if you want need a recommend.

Of course, this requires a bit of budget. But, it is well worth it when your sales skyrocket. I will caveat that by saying that you need to have a decent product in the first place.

Here are a few examples of sellers I have helped catapult to the top of their game with my A+ Enhanced Brand Content Copywriting Service:


Pine Tree Tools’ sales jumped 523% once they put my A+ content live!

Pine Tree Tools - Amazon A+ Enhanced Brand Content Copywriting Services



Ducki Designs had less than 1000 reviews before we launched their A+ content.


I’ve worked on A+ listings for NewMe Fitness from early on, and they are now the among the top independent sellers for the majority of main keywords in the fitness space.

Of course, you can create A+ Enhanced Brand Content yourself with the ‘image and text’ based modules Amazon offer. You simply plug in an image and write a paragraph or sentence about the benefit. This type of content does okay, but doesn’t do the same job in building trust with the customer. Customers also don’t like to read through large blocks of text because it is laborious. You therefore risk losing them before they’ve read the key benefits and features of your product.

My advice is, if you have already invested a lot of time and money in your Amazon adventure, and you are sure you have a good product, then spending a little more to give it the chance is worth the money.

Get in touch to tell me about your Amazon business, and I’ll be happy to help guide you.

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Should I Build a Website for My Amazon FBA Product?

June 17, 2019
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Amazon FBA tips - should I build a website for my product
Once you’ve launched your Amazon FBA product listing on the Marketplace, your efforts should now be focused on marketing your product and driving external traffic to your listing.

A great way to do this is to build a simple product website.

Here are five reasons why building a website for your Amazon FBA product is a brilliant idea:

1. You can attract your ideal customer

Having a product website allows you to post blog articles that target a niche audience by answering their questions and solving their problems. You can then send these primed customers to your Amazon listing.

Amazon loves it when you send external traffic to your product listing, and you will notice a difference in your sales rank if you can do this effectively.

2. You don’t have to stick to Amazon’s rules

With your own product website there are no strict character limits or content limits that you have to stick to, which means you can be far more creative and flexible with the way you market your FBA product.

3. You can make sales without paying high commissions

If you create an ecommerce product website it allows your visitors buy your product directly on your site, meaning you keep more of the money from that sale, compared with paying Amazon a commission. However, you do have to balance that with the benefits of sending traffic to your listing.

Some customers will prefer the reassurance of buying via Amazon – and I would recommend giving them both options – but others will happily buy directly from your website. This makes your business more profitable.

4. You can collect valuable customer data

When users click on your website, you can analyse data that will tell you the demographics of your visitors, along with key indicators, like how they behave on your website.

Data like this can give you valuable insights into your target audience so that all of your marketing and promotional efforts can be optimized for maximum ROI.

5. You can collect customers email addresses for marketing purposes

Most ecommerce website platforms offer an email sign up form so you can capture visitors’ email addresses for marketing to later.

All you need is a compelling offer or message that makes them want to sign up. Eventually, you will build an email marketing list you can send promotional messages and offers to in order to stimulate sales.
With the above in mind, there really are many benefits to creating an external website for your Amazon FBA product.

As well as creating a rich benefit-lead Amazon product listing, you also need to make sure that you hire a professional website copywriter to create the content for you. Letting your brand down and diminishing trust in either of these key sales elements will sabotage the success of your FBA business from the get-go.

Need help writing your product website? As an experienced product copywriter, I’ve helped many sellers make a TON of money on Amazon. GET IN TOUCH today for a free quote.

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How to Get More Traffic to Your Amazon Product Listing

June 12, 2019
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Amazon seller tips: how to get more traffic to your product listing

Driving traffic to your Amazon product listing is key, but you also need to make sure it is targeted. This means that the user is your ideal customer in terms of who they are and what they are searching for.

Below, I have outlined 6 ways in which you can increase targeted traffic to your Amazon listing, which ultimately will help you increase sales:


1. SEO Research & Optimization

The best way to get organic traffic to your Amazon product listing is to optimize your sales copy with SEO search terms. For this, you need to do in-depth keyword research to see what your competitors are ranking for and what your users are searching for.

I would recommend the awesome Helium 10 for this research.

Once you have your list of keywords, place them naturally throughout your listing copy (or use my Amazon listing service if you want a Pro to do it). The key real estate for placement is the title of your listing and the five feature bullet points.

Make sure you put as many keywords as you can in your title while still making sense. And put all of them in your bullets.


2. Amazon PPC Campaign

This should be part of any launch strategy to give your product listing a boost from the get-go. In many instances, sponsored ads appear above the number one organically ranked product, so it’s well worth allocating a bit of budget to this.

The opportunities and cheap clicks lie in finding a few low competition keywords that have a decent search volume.


3. Facebook & Google Ads

Amazon loves it when you send external traffic to their marketplace, and you’ll be rewarded handsomely in the rankings for it.

Facebook and Google Adwords PPC ads allow you to really drill down on your audience demographics and target your ideal customer. They also help you to make those first vital sales that will make the Amazon bots take notice of your product.

For this, you’ll need a killer direct response copywriter to make sure your clicks turn into conversions.


4. Product website & blog articles

Another effective way to drive traffic to your Amazon listing is to create a simple product website and post blog articles around the topic your product relates to – this is called Content Marketing.

Through keyword research you can find out what questions your ideal customer is looking to answer when they do a Google search. Create blog posts around these questions and problems, and you will get highly targeted organic traffic to your product website. You can then direct them to buy your product on Amazon. Or alternatively, make the sale on your own website and make a better margin!

Targeted organic traffic like this is invaluable because the user is already primed to buy your product.


5. Social media content

Once you have created blog articles around your niche, you can distribute the links to them across your social media accounts. When you post the link to your article, try to use fun, engaging language that makes people click the link. Use relevant hashtags within your post to reach a targeted audience.

Create other snippets of relevant content and link to both your Amazon listing and website. Build an engaging feed that people will want to follow. Be informative, be fun, and delight your audience.

Keep doing this and you’ll create a steady flow of traffic to your Amazon listing.


6. Good old fashioned ‘Word of Mouth’

And finally, let’s not forget about a more traditional way you can get traffic to your Amazon listing – Word of Mouth.

This can be as simple as your friends and family telling their network of people about your product, or your first customers telling their friends or other Amazon customers via a review.

For the latter, you’ll need to provide excellent customer service and value from the outset, followed by a sequence of automated emails that persuades the customer to take a few minutes out of their day to provide feedback. You can use third party feedback services like Feedback Genius for this.


Working on just a few of the above areas will attract more targeted traffic to your Amazon product listing. And more targeted traffic always means more sales!

Want professional help creating a product website or content that attracts your ideal customer? Then GET IN TOUCH to tell me about your product and I’ll provide you with my recommendations and a free quote!

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