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Amazon Seller Tips: White Hat Hacks That Work

April 1, 2019
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I see a lot of sellers resorting to black hat tactics to try and boost their Amazon sales quickly. The truth is, there is no way to cheat the Amazon system long term, and if you’re trying to build a successful and reputable brand, you should avoid these cheap tricks and cheats.

The Amazon system is clever, and even though a black hat tactic can work in the short term, it will eventually catch up with you and could get your Amazon seller account suspended.

But there is a better way to create sustainable sales growth. In this post, I’m going to share some white hat hacks and tactics to help you improve your sales organically and safely.


1. Create a killer SEO keyword strategy

This is one of the most important factors in improving your sales rank and ultimately your sales. By optimizing your product listing for SEO, you will come up in more customer searches, which means your product will get in front of many more eyes and will reach a broader audience that, perhaps, you may not have thought of before.

You need a targeted keywords list for both the frontend marketing copy and also the backend search terms box.

A professional Amazon SEO expert will conduct a competitor analysis to find out what your page one competitors are targeting, and will utilize several leading tools to find low competition keyword opportunities, plus the best keywords that demonstrate ‘intent to buy’.

Need help with your SEO strategy? Get in touch and I’ll help you blow your competition out of the water.


2. Improve your product listing marketing copy

It’s not good enough to simply come up in lots of customer searches on Amazon. You also need to persuade your customer that their life would be better with your product in it. To do this, you need rich benefit-lead marketing copy that tells the customer how your product is going to improve their life. Get rid of feature-heavy copy (copywriters call it the ‘curse of knowledge’) that customers will find difficult to read or understand. Your customer has one question in mind – “what’s in it for me?”

Hire an experienced Amazon copywriter to do this for you, because investment in this area will pay for itself many times over through improved sales.


3. Use professional, high-resolution images

Your main product image is one of the first things customers see in the search results, and it informs part of their decision to click through to your product listing. This main product image must be of high quality, and visually show exactly what your product is. This main image must instill trust in your product and brand instantly, so an investment in this area will also pay back.

In addition to high-quality product shots, utilize lifestyle photography showing models that are similar to your target audience enjoying your product. This allows your potential customer to imagine their life with your product in it, and relate to the models in the images. Again, these images must be of high quality in order to build trust and credibility in your brand.


4. Consider Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) or A+ detail pages

If you have a trademark, you can become ‘Brand Registered’ with Amazon. This allows you to create product listings that have images and text modules throughout the page, offering the customer an enhanced brand experience.

Getting a trademark costs less than you think, and it is worth considering to benefit from all of the extra services Amazon provides to brand registered professional sellers. When you have this status, Amazon will weed out copy cat sellers and protect your brand from infringement.

This means that you will always have the buy box, and will be able to set your own pricing without having to compete with cheap knock-off sellers. You also get superior support from Amazon itself, so it is well worth considering this avenue for your brand.

Hire an Enhanced Brand Content consultant and copywriter to help you create rich content that will delight your customers.


5. Take part in Amazon Lightning Deals and Prime Day Deals

By participating in these promotions, your product will get in front of a larger audience. And, while you have to offer a discount on your product, you could also see that as marketing and advertising spend. With every new customer you reach that you wouldn’t have otherwise, you are creating a potential brand ambassador who will spread the word about your brilliant product. Word of mouth is one of the best ways a brand can build a solid and loyal customer base.


6. Use blog articles and social media to promote your product

Take your targeted keyword list and create blog articles that incorporate those search terms so you can drive organic traffic to your product listing. Amazon loves external traffic being driven to a product listing, and it is a chance to attract highly targeted customers to your product page.

Distribute those blog articles on social media and create discounts, promotions, and campaigns that will engage your desired audience. By driving external traffic to your product listing, the Amazon bots will start to take notice. You will also be starting to build brand awareness, which is something you should be working on from the very start of your venture.

If you implement all of the above Amazon white hat hacks, you will start to see significant growth in sales. If you want a successful Amazon business, stay away from those black hat hacks and tactics. Cheating will only come back to bite you in the long term!




As an experienced Amazon copywriter, I’ve helped many
sellers and brands make a ton of money on Amazon



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Website Copy: Your Business Needs These 8 Crucial Pages

March 27, 2019
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From small and medium size businesses, to startups, enterprises and corporate companies, these are the essential pages your website needs.

Your website can make or break your business. That might sound dramatic, but if you’re operating mainly online, your website is the face of your business, and if you don’t make a great first impression (I’m talking around 8 seconds), your potential customer will bounce to your competitor.

Here are the pages you absolutely need:


1. Homepage

This is the single most important page of your website and the one that will probably be the most frequently visited (depending on your content marketing strategy).

Your Home Page needs to grab attention in the first few seconds so that your potential customer carries on reading and doesn’t bounce. – Note: Your Bounce Rate is considered by Google when it comes to search rankings.

You need rich, benefit-lead marketing copy, and visuals that engage the user and gives them an overview of what problem your company is solving by selling your product or service.

Answer the user’s #1 question – “what’s in it for me?”

Both the marketing copy and design of your website inform the user’s impression of your company, so make sure to hire a professional copywriter and web developer/designer to create these elements for you.

You might also decide to create a sales landing page as the main page of your website, which aims to convert the sale all in one scrollable page. A sales page includes most of the elements I cover in this post. To create something like this, you need to hire a truly exceptional direct response copywriter.


2. About Us or About Me

This is probably the next most frequently visited page of your website and it does the job of answering some important questions that your potential customer might have.

Here are a few questions you will want to consider answering:

– Who are the founders/executives of your company?
– When was the company established??
– What is your unique selling proposition?
– Who are you as a team/individual?
– What is your company’s philosophy?
– Why are you in business?
– What problem are you trying to solve?
– Who is your core audience?
– What is the vision of your company – where are you headed?
– Do you have a unique approach to customer service/shipping/the way you operate?

It might sound like a lot to answer, but if you can provide a professional copywriter with the rough answers to these questions, they will craft it into a concise and compelling brand story that makes your business stand out as one the customer can trust.

And once you’ve done that important job, you can start to transform those customers into brand ambassadors.


3. Product or Services

This page is where you can include more detail about your product(s) or service(s). Again, all of the marketing copy should be rich, concise and benefit-lead.

A good trick is to include several ‘Call to Action’ buttons throughout a page, so you can capture the user at different stages of their user journey.

If you’re a product business, you can also use the sales technique of creating urgency with limited time offers and promotional messages.


4. Contact Us

This might seem like an obvious one, but I’ve seen so many websites that just have a ‘Name’, ‘Email’ and ‘Message’ field, plus a button that just says ‘Send’.

This is an almost criminal neglect of prime website real estate! Ok, now I am being dramatic. But seriously, this is a really important page to get right, because it can be the final touch point that your potential customer has with your business, until you get back to them.

At the very least, you need a friendly message before the contact form to say you’d love to hear from them. You need to provide an expectation of when the customer will hear back from you. And, you really need a better call to action button than just ‘Send’.

But why not make this page work harder for you? Include your contact information and a map, your phone number and your opening hours.

You should always think about where your customer is going to navigate to next. They don’t have to leave your website on this page. Why not highlight a new product or an offer, or send them to a blog post or business case study?


5. Blog

I can’t think of a product or service that doesn’t need a content marketing strategy for customer acquisition. Whether you’re selling a set of kitchen knives or Saas service, blogs are an effective way to increase targeted organic traffic to your website.

By creating engaging blog articles that answer your audiences’ questions and solve their problems, you will start ranking on Google for those search terms (How to… what is… where can I buy…) and your sales will grow exponentially form there.

So, invest in content marketing! (Give me a shout if you need help creating a content marketing strategy).


6. Testimonials

It’s essential to incorporate some customer testimonials into your homepage or sales landing page, but you also need a page where you can link to that shows a whole raft of testimonials. This builds trust and uses social proof to ultimately inform the user’s purchasing decision.

And yes, if your mom or best friend has bought your product, you can use their testimonial in good faith on your website. You have to start somewhere.

Great testimonials should answer your customer’s pain points or barriers to purchase.


7. Frequently Asked Questions

Not only does an FAQ page save you a ton of time answering questions via email, it is also a place to build more trust and sell in the benefits of your product or service. Again, you are addressing the customer’s barriers to purchasing your product, and if they’ve come as far as your FAQ page in the user journey, they are a serious buyer.

So take the time to craft great Q&As, because they will work hard for your business even when you’re asleep.

Not sure what questions to ask? Start by going through your email inquiries and pull out the most frequent or interesting questions. Again, think about the barriers your customer might have when deciding whether to purchase your service or product.

In addition to the above pages, you also need a privacy policy page and a terms and conditions page, but there are templates for those you can Google, so I won’t go into that here.


8. Case Studies, Gallery, or Portfolio

These page types are more for a service or local business.

A gallery of photos can show your product or service being used or enjoyed in real life. It allows your potential customer to identify with your audience (shown in the photos) and also imagine their life with your product or service in it.

If you’re a service business, well-written case studies can not only provide powerful social proof, but also allow your potential customer to imagine in detail what your service could do for their business. Think of case studies as a key part of your sales and marketing efforts, because they are powerful assets that can convert large paying customers.

A portfolio can be a powerful tool for creative service businesses and provides social proof and work samples. Only put your best work on this page!

So now you know what pages you will need, you can get started creating a website that will delight your potential customers. Alternatively, if you want some professional help from an experienced copywriter that knows how to get your website ranked on Google and how to craft rich, benefit-lead sales copy that converts – GET IN TOUCH WITH ME TODAY >>>

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Amazon Seller Tips: Drive Traffic to Your Listing to Increase Sales

February 13, 2019
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So, your awesome product is sitting in the Amazon warehouse ready to ship to your customers, and you’ve pushed your professional, SEO optimized product listing live. The next step is to drive external traffic to your listing in order to please the Amazon bots by increasing sales.

In this post, I’ll share some strategies that will help you drive that external traffic to your listing, which will improve your sales, and by doing so, your rank on Amazon.


1. Create a product website

If you build a product website, you’ll not only be able to drive traffic to your Amazon listing (which they frickin’ LOVE!), but also make sales on it yourself.

If you have one product, a simple website consisting of a Landing Page, About Us page and Contact page can be enough to get you started, but you can (and should) go further than this because the website will be an important gateway for other methods mentioned in this post.

Should you build a custom website, or use an ecommerce platform like Shopify or Woocommerce?

If you’re a solopreneur, I’d advise against building a dedicated website. It will cost way more than you expect, and first you need to prove that your product is going to sell. Plus, you can spend the thousands you would have spent building an unnecessary custom website on the methods to drive traffic mentioned in this post.

I personally love Shopify. I’m not affiliated in any way, I just think it is the most intuitive, powerful, sleek and easy to use platform for ecommerce entrepreneurs. Plus, there’s a ton of free templates you can customize.


2. Post blog articles

Using keyword research, you can create blog articles around the questions your customers are searching for, and then drive them to your listing from there – again, external traffic is something that Amazon loves and they are prioritizing it in their A9 algorithm.

You can read a bit more about how to create SEO optimized blog content for your audience in my blog post HERE.


3. Develop a social media strategy

Firstly, you may be wondering which social media channels to be on. It can be overwhelming because there are so many. Start with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, then consider whether Pinterest and Youtube are a fit for your business.

You need to create content that is highly relevant to your customers and constantly delights them so they become followers, and hopefully ambassadors of your brand. Once you have followers, you can drive them via promotional links and sales messages to your product website, and ultimately to your Amazon listing.

Hire a creative copywriter to develop rich social media content for all platforms. This could be funny quotes, useful facts about your product space, funny videos and compelling promotional ideas.

Make sure your bio on every social media channel is powerful, and includes a link to either your Amazon listing, or product website.


4. Run PPC ads

You should be running Amazon PPC sponsored ads to get sales and drive up your sales rank. But you can generate some fantastic sales and traffic via other types of PPC ad – like Google Adwords, Facebook and Instagram.

Google text ads are probably the easiest ones to get started with because they don’t require any images or visual creative.

Make sure you are targeting low competition keywords, or you’ll need a lot of budget!

Hire a direct response copywriter to create the advert copy for you, so that you can get the most out of each click. A professional ad writer will know how to convert clicks and sales, which means you’ll get more bang for your buck.


5. Leverage your network

I’ve talked about some old school marketing tactics to promote your Amazon listing in this post. But another free and easy way to drive traffic is by getting your friends, family and network to visit your listing and buy your product to help boost initial sales.

Create a fun and compelling email from the heart and include a promo code for them to buy your product for a much lower price (you can create this in seller central). You could even reimburse them for their purchase. Then get them to leave a glowing 5 star review.

If you can drive traffic to your Amazon listing and make sales using some (or all) of the above methods, Amazon will start to take notice and your sales rank should improve, which in turn results in more sales.

And it all starts growing exponentially from there…




As an experienced Amazon copywriter, I have helped many
sellers and brands make a ton of money on Amazon



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Amazon Seller Tips: My Thoughts on Emojis in Bullet Points

February 5, 2019
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I have to admit, when I first saw emojis start appearing in Amazon product listing bullets, I was aghast.

“Way to make your brand look cheap and spammy!” was my immediate reaction.

However, having seen how a color icon can provide a bit of visual relief and formatting to super long SEO optimized text bullets, I am starting to come round… a little bit.

I still believe that this is not the approach a premium, higher-end brand should take (is that the look your really want?), but for your average seller in a super competitive category, it could be a way to stand out, if only temporarily. Although, now every Amazon seller is doing it, perhaps that won’t be the case for much longer!

Personally, I haven’t had any clients that have been suspended for using emoji icons in their listing, but I have seen some reports online (if only third hand), so please use this strategy at your own risk.

It does seem as though Amazon could be fine with the little green ticks ( ✅). You can also find some more emoji icons here.

From a branding perspective, if you are going to use this trick, just pick one style of emoji or icon, instead of five different ones, otherwise your listing is going to look seriously messy!

And remember – emojis will not sell your product. Professional Amazon product listing copy that is rich and persuasive, is what converts sales.




As an experienced Amazon copywriter, I have helped many
sellers and brands make a ton of money on Amazon



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How to Increase Traffic to Your Website With SEO

February 1, 2019
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I am often asked how to rank higher on Google and increase organic traffic on a website using SEO. Basically, it’s all about targeting the right keywords through good research, and then placing those search terms naturally throughout your marketing copy and website content.


It’s not rocket science – you can do this!

Firstly, I’ll say that this element of online marketing is pretty simple to understand and implement. Sure, there are SEO experts that know a lot about the algorithms of Google or Amazon, but you can get pretty far by yourself.


Competitor research

The first place to find keyword ideas is to look at what your competitors are doing.

Make a list of your top 5 competitors (you don’t need any more than this).

Go onto their websites and make a list of what page titles they are using. You can do this by clicking or hovering over the tab at the top of the browser window.

SEO page titles can help increase website traffic

For example, my website’s homepage title is:

Website Copywriter & Amazon Listing Copywriting Service | US & UK

This is jam-packed with single keywords that make up the major search terms that my target audience use to find my service, so it’s super optimized.

Also, by including those words in this blog in a way that makes sense, it will help reinforce to Google that my website should be ranked for these terms. But more on that later…

After you’ve listed out your competitors’ page titles, scour the copy on their main pages for potential search terms and add them to your list. Hover your mouse over their images, or open them in a new tab to see how they are labeled. You are sure to find more keywords there too.

Find out what metatags your competitors are using by right clicking anywhere on the page and selecting ‘view source’.

Once you have your list of competitor keyword phrases, you should already have a good picture of what search terms are most popular.


Use the Google search bar

Next, you’re going to use Google’s search bar to expand your list of potential keywords.

1. Open an incognito window, or clear your cache

2. Go to

3. Take your list of competitor keywords and start typing your major root keywords into the search bar. For example, I might start typing ‘website copy’

You will get something like this:

How to find SEO keywords with Google search bar

Google then suggests search terms based on the ones that are most popular (highest volume). So from that list above, I might write down:

Website copywriter
Website copywriting rates
Website copywriting services

All of these show potential ‘intent to buy’.

So, pop in your service or product type and see what Google suggests. Try lots of different terms.


Invest in a great a keyword research tool

You can only get so far with free keyword research tools. You need to know what volume and competition a keyword has, so you know which ones to prioritize and target.

A month’s subscription to a professional keyword research tool that gives you a ton of valuable data will set you back between $30-$40, which is nothing in the grand scheme of your epic business.

I recommend Longtail Pro as the mac daddy of keyword research tools. I use it for both websites and marketplaces, and have had great success for both me and my clients using its powerful data.

With Longtail Pro you can do unlimited searches and build a mega master list of search terms.

The other tool I recommend for Amazon sellers is Helium10. It is THE best tool for spying on your competitors, finding golden keyword opportunities and keeping track of your listing’s performance. They also have a ton of video tutorials.


Prioritize your list

Once you have a master list, you need to drill it down according to the following factors:

1. Relevance
2. Intent to buy (product or service)
3. High volume & low competition

The third one can be tough in a competitive market, so see if you can find some keyword opportunities that you could potentially target. Longtail keywords often provide these opportunities. For example:

Website copywriter – volume 1000k p/m – competition HIGH
Website copywriting service UK – volume 250 p/m – competition LOW

If I’m late to the market, there’s no way I’m going to rank for the main root term (unless I drive traffic in other ways). But I have a shot at the longtail search term that has lower volume, but also lower competition.


Optimize your content & website with your keywords

So now you have your targeted master keywords list and you’re ready to start optimizing your content.

Here’s where you need to put your search terms:

– Page titles
– Section headers
– Image file names and captions
– Metatags
– Body text of any content

If you have long keyword search terms that can’t fit naturally in a sentence, just place the single keywords that make up the term throughout your content and you can still rank for that term.

Basically, when you’re writing about your product, service or company, try and phrase it in a way that allows you to naturally include your keywords. This is the most challenging bit, because you also need rich marketing copy.

Of course, you could always hire a professional copywriter to do it for you.

See what I did there?


Attracting your ideal customer

Beyond optimizing your website, another great way to attract your target audience to your website (and to your buy/contact buttons) is with blogs and social media posts.

Create blogs that answer or solve your customers’ problems so you can include links to your product or service, or a key Call to Action, while they are on the page (like the big blue box on your right!).

You can find what problems or questions your customers have by going back to your early master keyword list and looking at searches that include terms like ‘how to…’ or ‘what is…’ or ‘where can I find…’

Create an SEO blog title that includes their question and write 500-1000 words of valuable content that provides some insight or solves their problem.

Then distribute that blog link on all of your social media channels and include relevant hashtags to your market space, in order to reach a wider audience.

So in conclusion, it’s all about putting the right words in the right places!

Follow me on social to be notified of future blogs where I’ll share more ideas on how to increase traffic to your website.






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Amazon Seller Tips: 5 Ugly Product Listing Mistakes!

January 29, 2019
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After 6 years of helping newbie sellers and top brands make a ton of money on Amazon, I’ve analyzed a serious number of product listings. Below are the surprisingly common (and ugly) mistakes I see sellers make time and time again.


All features, no benefits

The technical features of a new product are hard enough for me to decipher when writing a new product listing for my Amazon clients – and I’m getting paid to do it! So expecting a customer to wade through a whole paragraph of technical specs is seriously anti-sales.

Your customer has one question – “What’s in it for me?”

To answer this question, you need to tell them in simple, user-friendly language how your product is going to improve their life.



I get that you’re trying to draw attention to your product’s unique features and benefits, but really, YOU DON’T NEED TO SHOUT! Capitals come across as mega spammy, and if you’re trying to create a long-lasting brand, that is not the look you want.

There are exceptions if used sparingly, however. Like the start of key feature bullets, a header in your EBC section, a one-time bit of emphasis among rich marketing copy, or perhaps, your brand name. But other than that, please, keep it lower case.


Spammy SEO

Some sellers stuff so many keywords in the bullets that they don’t form coherent sentences. I’m not saying these listings don’t make sales. Sometimes the right product, at the right time, with a spattering of SEO can fly off the virtual shelves. Those sellers are insanely lucky.

But most sellers have the difficult job of standing out from the competition.

You need rich marketing copy that appeals to your customers’ emotions and builds trust to inform their purchasing decision. Your SEO keywords should be placed naturally throughout the listing (as much as possible) so that they don’t spoil your marketing copy.

Hire an experienced Amazon copywriter to help you create a rich product listing that stands out.


Crappy Images

In addition to outstanding copy, you also need great images. I see many sellers with fuzzy, low-resolution images that look like they have been shot by an amateur.

It’s not enough to put a crappy product shot on a white background.

To build trust, you need professional images. If your supplier can’t provide these for you, you should hire a product photographer. Alternatively, if you or someone you know has a snazzy camera, you could shoot your own product shots.

It’s not just beautiful product shots that convert sales. Lifestyle imagery can really set your brand apart. This is because customers like to imagine their life with your product in it, and lifestyle photography helps them do that. This can be costly, but you can find inspiration to set your brand apart on an image library like Shutterstock.


Bad English

There are many product listings with bad grammar on Amazon. In most instances, the seller has paid a paltry sum to a non-native speaker to write the listing and isn’t able to recognize the many mistakes.

My no.1 tip is to invest in an experienced copywriter. Your listing is the main touchpoint of your business, and to skimp in this area is sheer madness!

If you don’t have the budget to contract copywriting services, at least get an English native proofreader to weed out the mistakes in your copy. The trust and credibility you diminish with mistakes like these can be the deciding factor between ADD TO CART, or a bounce to your competitor.

There are plenty more uglies to add to this list, but I’ll save that for another post!




My creative copywriting service has helped many top Amazon sellers do just that.



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Increase Your Amazon Sales The Guerrilla Way

December 12, 2018
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This is one of my favorite tips for professional Amazon sellers and entrepreneurs looking to increase their rank and sales!

Amazon LOVES it when a product listing gets external traffic. That is when customers arrive at your listing page via social media, Google search, a direct link or anywhere that isn’t the Amazon search bar.

The reward? Higher rankings, which means more sales.

In this post, I’m going to share three creative ideas on how to drive traffic to your Amazon product listing.



Most Amazon sellers have a social presence, but unfortunately, the content is rarely good enough to cut through and inspire action. Most sellers only focus on SEO optimization, which is key, but you need to do more to get your brand noticed.

It’s increasingly difficult to win that CLICK, which means your social media content needs to be different in order to grab attention. Be funny, offer invaluable insight to a common problem, create a bold voice that commands attention, or create a striking visual identity that is powerful and original.

Then you need to be consistent and post regular content in your chosen style.

It is this type of unique content that users share, and if you’re lucky enough, one of your posts can go viral.

But what if you’re not a good writer or can’t think of a stand out strategy?

That’s when you hire a copywriter that can!



There’s one thing your Amazon competitors don’t have access to – your local community or network.

But how can you use this to your advantage?

For this tip, you’re going to have to go back to some good ole fashioned offline marketing techniques.

First learn where your audience hangs out. If you’re selling cool t-shirts, that might be your local skate park, or if you’re selling accessories for wine lovers, it might be your local wine club.

Go to these locations and hand out some printed fliers. Talk to your audience. Offer a great discount in exchange for a review. Run a competition. Hand out free stuff. If you’re audience is big enough, you could even throw a local event or party.

The idea is to create brand ambassadors that will spread the word. And people are way more inclined to do that if they have met you in person and they think they are supporting one of their own. (Don’t be afraid to get your friends or even your Mom involved!)

Also contact local magazines or small newspapers for a mention, giveaway, review or, if you’re lucky, an editorial piece. They’re often looking for content, and ‘local boy or girl done good’ can make a cheerful piece.

Once you start thinking locally, ideas and opportunities will pop up everywhere.



Let’s go back online.

The signature in your email and online user accounts can be used to subtly drive traffic to your product listing.

If you post comments in any niche forums where your target audience hangs out, or if you’re commenting on any relevant blog articles or answering a question on Quora, your signature link can be a powerful secret traffic generator.

Write something clickable and benefit-lead, and hyperlink it to your Amazon product listing.

For example:

Jane Doe
CEO at < Company Name >
Discover the comfiest pillow on Amazon <—- hyperlink this to your product description


To go guerrilla with your Amazon marketing, you need to take your head away from the marketplace and work out a strategy to get your brand and product noticed elsewhere. Do it with some degree of success and the Amazon bots will reward you handsomely.




My creative copywriting service has helped many top Amazon sellers do just that.



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The Incredible Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry

November 27, 2018
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If you’re a private label seller, manufacturer or handmade artisan, you will probably have heard about Amazon Brand Registry. My clients have seen some stellar sales results after registering their brand and then creating an Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) listing.


Here are the top line benefits for Amazon Brand Registry:

1. Boost your sales
2. Always have the buybox
3. Amazon proactively protects your listing from copycat sellers
4. Ability to create richer content that delights your customers
5. Grow your business, build more trust and elevate your brand
7. Access powerful tools and dedicated support from Amazon


To be eligible, Amazon says you need to have a “registered and active text or image-based trademark.”

Nowadays that’s not so hard to get.

Let’s dig in a little deeper…


Boost your sales

This one is the overall benefit of the whole brand registry program. As an Amazon consultant and copywriter that works with many new and top sellers, I have noticed that Amazon’s algorithm seems to be favoring A+ and EBC listings. Given the additional privileges, support and protections you get, it’s not surprising that brand registered sellers get a better slice of the pie.

Every single one of my clients that has switched from a standard text listing to a rich product detail page has seen significantly increased sales.

But, like all things awesome, it doesn’t come easy. You will need a trademark. However, it’s now easier and more affordable than ever to get one.

Type the below into Google and you’ll find many affordable services that will do the whole thing for you:

Register a trademark in <insert country>

Just make sure you register the trademark in the country of your main Amazon marketplace.


Always have the buybox

This one will be a huge relief and means you can set the price you want without having to compete with cheap knockoff sellers. And of course, if you always have the buy box, you always get the sale (see no.1).


Amazon proactively protects your listing from copycat sellers

Amazon act as the copycat police with this amazing benefit! They will proactively search for rogue listings that use your trademark and images with your logo, and remove them from the marketplace. This reduces so much stress and time for sellers, and all helps with no.1 on this list. No cheap copycat sellers means you get more sales!


Ability to create richer content that delights your customers

So, Amazon will protect you from the knockoff merchants. Now you should focus on what successful brands do – create content that inspires trust and delights your customers so they not only ADD TO CART, but also become your brand ambassadors.

Hire an experienced Amazon copywriter to create this Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) for you, and you will be WAY ahead of a huge proportion of sellers.


Grow your business, build more trust and elevate your brand

If you action all of the above, you will be well on your way to becoming a reputable brand, not just an Amazon seller, and the business benefits from there will grow exponentially. As your sales and customer base grows you will achieve the Holy Grail for every business – BRAND AWARENESS.

That’s when customers go to Amazon’s search bar or Google and type in your brand name next to the biggest keyword in your space. And it can all start by becoming brand registered.

Access powerful tools and dedicated support from Amazon

When you achieve brand registry, you also get an impressive new set of search and reporting tools so that you can monitor your space and any potential competitors that are infringing on your intellectual property. You also get dedicated support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Sounds awesome, doesn’t it?

I bet that relatively small cost and bit of effort it takes to create a trademark now all seems rather worth it!!



I’ve helped with many top sellers with
Enhanced Brand Content that delights customers

I’d love to do the same for your brand!






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How to Get My Product on Amazon: 6 Essential Steps

November 19, 2018
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in Blog

If you sell a product in a physical store or via your own website, it makes great sense to put it on Amazon where hundreds of millions of customers are actively trying to spend money. If you’re wondering how to get your product on Amazon, the steps and considerations below are a great guide to get you started.


1. Ship it yourself or use Amazon FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon)?

If you have a robust shipping process already in place to distribute your product, then the odds are you’ll be able to handle all the Amazon orders you will (hopefully) get. It’s important the customer receives their order promptly so that their experience is a happy one and they leave you great feedback.

When you ship your product yourself, you get to keep a higher percentage of the sale and you have control over the entire process.

However, you’ve got to get the sale in the first place.

With Amazon FBA, you or your supplier sends an inventory of your product to the Amazon warehouse and they fulfill the order and ship it out to the customer for you. You then manage stock levels online and when you see they’re getting low, you can send more inventory to the warehouse, or ask your supplier to do it.

If you go the FBA route, you get a nice little ‘Prime’ badge on your listing, which many customers look out for and filter by. This means your product is coming up in more customer searches, which means more traffic, and if you get no.4 right, more sales.

You do pay Amazon for the privilege, but your sales potential is increased by around 30-50%. Plus, your business is much more automated. Time is undoubtedly our most valuable resource, so you have to also factor this into your decision.

Use this handy little FBA calculator that you can plug your numbers into and work out the difference.


2. Sign up at Amazon Seller Central

Next, you need to sign up for an account at Amazon Seller Central. This should be quick and easy, but there are a few product categories that are restricted and require approval – which is hard to get.


3. Make sure you have outstanding images

Once you have a seller central account (and you have sent inventory to the warehouse if using FBA) you are ready to list your product! First, you need clear, high resolution, professional images of your product. Amazon allows you to have 8 images per listing – use them all! You need a mixture of close up product images (on a white background) and lifestyle images of your target audience using/enjoying your product.

If you have a quality product video, you can also upload that into the images section. Videos can be highly persuasive and customers love them!


4. Hire an expert Amazon copywriter to write your listing

One you have quality product images, next you need quality marketing copy that is rich, persuasive, benefit-lead and SEO optimized. Keyword research is crucial here, and the words you target can have a HUGE impact on your sales success and ranking.

Hire an experienced Amazon product listing copywriter to do this for you. Skimping in this area of your business will hinder your success from the get-go.


5. Set up a strong automated email series to get reviews

Your efforts shouldn’t stop once you’ve made the sale. Now you need to turn that sale into a good review, so you can get more sales!

Use powerful customer feedback software like AMZ Mailer to send out a sequence of well-written, friendly emails to request a review. Again, invest in an experienced copywriter to help you with that.

These automated emails are also great for catching and resolving any issues your customer might have had before they make it public.


6. Repeat!

If you make a success of the steps above, you’ve got a business model that can be quickly copied and scaled. Amazon is a phenomenal sales channel because of it’s huge, eager audience (hundreds of millions!) that are actively looking to spend money, and hopefully, are already searching for your product.




Check out my product listing and marketing services for Amazon sellers

*I’ll help you shift a ton of product

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November 2, 2018
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Revolutionary new watersports company, Subwing, hired my branding and copywriting expertise to refresh and optimize their Amazon Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) for their award-winning product. In addition to SEO optimization, I crafted rich, benefit-lead marketing copy that introduced the exciting new sport to Amazon customers.

After creating the new listing, sales increased by 62% – and rising!

Check it out below…


Sales increase on Amazon - Listing Service


Amazon Enhanced Brand Content EBC copywriter service

Amazon Enhanced Brand Content copywriting
Product description writing
Sales copywriting
Branding services
Tone of voice
Calls to action

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